Saturday, 31 December 2011

Making one, or two, of those New Year's resolutions

This year is the first time I'm making any new year's resolutions. Even though I probably need to loose a little weight and get in better shape, that isn't the resolution I'm making. Namely because I know I won't be able to keep it.

No, I'm actually making two resolutions, or, as I'm calling them, goals.

My first resolution is to actually write a book. I've got about half of a book written, but I have big plans to revamp it and finish it off. I'm tired of telling myself over and over again that I'm going to write a book and start my career as a novelist, just to start writing down something and never finishing it. So this goal has a deadline - one year.

Secondly I'm resolving to journal more. A couple months ago I bought a journal for the purpose of journaling during my first trip to Europe. I had a great time and enjoyed the process of writing down my experiences and observations. But after I got back my journaling slowed down until the point where I haven't even opened my journal for the past few weeks. My purpose for journaling now is to clear out my mind, kind of get stuff 'off my back.' Hopefully I can start a new habit that I can continue for many years.

With both of my new year's resolutions focused on more writing, I guess that means I'll be spending some more of my time
sitting at my desk, fingers poised on my keyboard. Now I'll I can do is hope that inspiration will strike quickly!

Thursday, 22 December 2011


Growing up I was never taught to believe in Santa Claus. There were never any presents under the tree that said "From Santa," and we never left milk and cookies out on Christmas Eve. Going to a Christian school, I don't think any of my friends or classmates did either.

Looking back now I appreciate that my parents didn't let us believe in Santa Claus. There was never this urge to write Santa Claus and tell him all of the material things we wanted. There also wasn't a great disappointment when we finally learned that Mom and Dad were actually "Santa Claus."

When I do someday have kids of my own I think I will raise them the same way I was. Try and keep the focus on Christ's birth, while also enjoying treating one another with a few gifts. Seriously, why would I want to spend time and money buying presents for my kids just so that they can turn around and thank some unknown "Santa Claus?"

For parents who want to raise their kids to know the magic of Christmas, I encourage them to raise their kids to know instead the miracle of Christmas. Sure a baby's birth inside of a barn may not seem as magical as a jolly old man delivering presents, but the end result is much more amazing.

For me, I will choose the tradition of reading Luke 2:1-20 on Christmas Eve with my family. Hopefully it will instil in my kids the habit of appreciating Christmas as more than just a day for receiving toys.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Getting ready for Christmas

Today it is just 2 short weeks away from Christmas eve. All around decorations and lights are up and Christmas carols are playing everywhere.
I love Christmas, but this year I am more focused to get into the "real" Christmas spirit. For me that means less about the decorations and the gifts and more about celebrating the birth of Jesus with my family.
Christmas has always been this special time and my goal this year is to appreciate the truly special things about it instead of getting wrapped up in all of the "commericalization" of the holiday.